Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sleesy Customer Catches Himself In An Outright Confession of Intent

Here is a sleezy customer who in the early morning 4:45 A.M. sought to get a ride home for free in a taxi cab. So much for the effort to rob a cab driver while getting the service of being driven home three cities away. He justified his efforts before seven of Albanys's Finest, admitting what he did and why he did it. It did not make sense to any of the police nor to the driver who had nothing to do with why he, the customer was out in the cold in the dead of the morning 3 cities away from home. The only thing the service industry could do was to comply with the parties request to be take from point A to point B. Unfortuneatly he did not say he did not have any money on hand, he kept on saying to the driver, "I have it! Your Okay!" This did not satisfy the driver's request to have the money up front. It is required especially in out of town calls. The driver did what he could to obtain the money while driving toward the destination. When he could not get it, he called the police, took the photo of the traveler and pulled over to meet the police at a preordained location. The traveler only confessed his intent to get home and without paying the driver. He felt he had legitimate reasons as he had tried to get the Albany police (out of their jurisdiction,) to help him. He had called for a taxi several times (at their buzy hour!) And they had not responded for an hour and a half!!! Therefore he would take it out on the first driver to respond. Sound familiar...!? Well in the service industry it does. Whether it is a customer trying to get a free meal or ride!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Stephanie, Cute Name, Cure Lady

Cute Name, Cute Lady..., Coffee, Tea or Me..., If Love is a Journey and I can have any wish I choose, then I leave expectations behind, my hope set aside, and ask Source to dream a dream for me that I may walk in the ways of heaven again and the rest of my life with you by my side. On a Personal Note
I'd like to leave you with one last thought:
Love is of Source and the way messengers from the mystery tell us things.
Love is the mother We are her sons and daughters
She Shines inside us,visible-invisible, as we trust or lost trust, or feel it start to grow again. Woman came first as she can reproduce without man and establish a colony. "Woe Man!" The day that woman reduces herself to the level of man. Nurturing is gone from the home. Love reduced to sensuality of sex, a demon no less. Man has lost all respect for woe-man. She has stepped off her pedestal. She chooses equality with man. gone is her self respect. How can she demand it of man?!

A taste of numerology

*see Healing With Love 'numerology interpretations'

Short name: Michael Ramirez
Birth date: June 28, 1946
Your Life Path is 9 9
Your Birthday is 28 10
Your Expression is 15/6 11
Your Minor Expression is 15/6 12
Your Heart's Desire is 12/3 13
Your Minor Heart's Desire is 12/3 14
Your Personality is 12/3 15
Your Maturity is 15/6 15
Your Life Path / Expression Bridge number is 3 16
Your Heart's Desire / Personality Bridge number is 0 16
You have a Karmic Lesson 2 17
Your Hidden Passion is 9 18
Your Plane of Expression Physical is 9 19
Your Balance is 4 21
Your Rational Thought is 61/7 21
Your Cornerstone is M 22
Your Subconscious Self is 6 22
Your First Challenge is 5 23
Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 27) is 7 25
Your Second Pinnacle (from age 28 until age 36) is 3 26
Your First Cycle (from birth until age 27) is 6 28
Your Physical Transit for age 61 is E 29
Your Physical Transit for age 62 is E 29
Your Physical Transit for age 63 is L 30
Your Physical Transit for age 64 is L 30
Your Physical Transit for age 65 is L 30
Your Physical Transit for age 66 is M 30
Your Physical Transit for age 67 is M 30
Your Physical Transit for age 68 is M 30
Your Physical Transit for age 69 is M 30
Your Spiritual Transit for age 61 is I 31

Your Essence at the age of 61 is 14/5 32
Your Personal Year for 2007 is 7 35

Where Am I From

I AM from before the Big Bang. I remember as a female flying my space ship away from the soon to collide Energy Bodies. I remember them as they exploded and the death of so many. I turned off the viewer and retired to sleep the rest of the journey to Earth. My anger was great and now my DNA Memory recalls and I awaken. As a starter I am assigned on the universal level and my counterpart on earth has acknowledged me. I communicate on the 12th dimension. I simply think and you are! With permission of the oversoul healing by Source, through me, occurs at all levels.

Commitments to Live By and Be Thankful in This Moment

· I reflect on what peace means to me and am Thankful.
· I practice nonviolence and respect for Mother Earth by making good use of her resources.
· I take time to admire and appreciate nature.
· I plant seeds, plants or constructive ideas through my picture of what I see before me as prosperity and am Thankful.
· I hold a vision of prosperity for all the world's hungry and send them love as guidance as to how alleviate the hunger.
· I co-exist with every human being's fundamental right to justice, equity, and equality.
· I appreciate the earth's bounty and all of those who work to make my prosperity available and am Thankful.
· I relax into understanding and respect for another's culture.
· I oppose injustice, attitudes and wrong actions that violate me and others.
· I choose to be aware of what I talk about and I will refuse to gossip.
· I live in the present moment and release the past, actions and wrong doings.
· I speak with kindness, respect, and patience to every person that I talk with.
· I affirm my value and refuse to put myself down I will Love myself.
· I tell the truth and speak honestly from the heart.
· I cause a ripple effect of good by an act of kindness toward another.
· I choose to volunteer my talents to serve others and charge only a portion of my time.
· I say a Intercessory Blessing for greater understanding whenever I see evidence of crime, vandalism or graffiti.
· I do not add to the picture what is negative.
·I will turn off anything that portrays or supports violence whether on television, in the movies, or on the Internet that might influence my picture.
· I greet this day-everyone and everything-with openness and acceptance as if I was encountering them for the first time.
· I drive with tolerance, patience and awareness.
· I admit to my anger, frustration or jealousy and channel into healthy activities that remove the virus.
· I talk less and listen without defending and speak without judgment.
· I notice the peacefulness in the world around me.
· I take time to tell a family member or friend how much they or what they said or did means to me.
· I send a kind, anonymous message by proper medium or transport to someone.
· I strive to learn from my errors.
· I tell every person they are special and important to me in a particular way.
· I look at children as loving in a particular thought, word or action.
· I help someone in trouble.
· I listen with an open heart to all people.
· I put up shields as I leave home to thwart a situation when confronted with conflict.
· I express my feeling honestly and nonviolently with respect for myself and others.
· I sit down with my family for one meal.
· I pause for reflection.
· I hold no one hostage to the past, seeing each-as I see myself-as a work in process.
· I make a conscious effort to smile at someone whom I have held a grudge against in the past.
· I practice compassion and forgiveness by apologizing to someone whom I have hurt in the past.
· I reflect on whom I need to forgive and take at least one step in that direction.
· I embrace the spiritual belief of my heart in my own personal and reflective way.
· I cultivate my moral strength and courage through education and creative nonviolent action.
· I practice compassion and forgiveness for myself and others.
· I use my talents to serve others as well as myself.
· I use my service to humanity in dedicating myself to a vision greater than myself.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Word From Me...,


My eyes adored you

From the first time I laid eyes on you

I knew my eyes adored you!

I looked upon you and my eyes did trace

I knew I was in love -- with you.

(uumm how I love you! -- michael)