Monday, May 28, 2012

When your in Focus the Universe Answers you!

New people should understand that they do have to put in the effort, actively generate leads, follow up with customers and clients, and so on. initially STARTING UP ANY BUSINESS INVOLVES PUTTING OUT MONEY ETC, i JUST HAPPEN ON THINGS WELL IN ADVANCE THAT NOW AT THIS TIME AM COGNIZANT OF THESE THINGS THAT THE UNIVERSE HAS BEEN PUTTING IN MY WAY AS A SUGGESTION HERE IS A SAMPLE: My Photo takken over Christmas has a balloon that is perfectly alogned with the top of my hwad in the background! It has the words EYE CARE implying I Care..., how funny is that when you think without intent to use it on a website in May about Herbal Interest..., Just check my

Sunday, May 27, 2012


*For those of you new to numerology, please check these past articles for the very simple formula to acquire your Birth and Destiny Numbers; I have found them very accurate  especially as a private ybterview of anyone and any thing in life coupled with astrology it defines and the astrology gives events a time line and coupled with palmistry it blows open what you thought was a very private life.

to Ian at coasttocoastam

If your experiencing a form of Tinnitus, Inner Ear Ringing or such., you may have to cut all cords and attachments to and from your past lives as  'Wicken,' and also to and from mother earth. As I said to my friend, sometimes it takes time to fully let go and then things clear up. Well, while speaking to him after the New Year, at which time he related that the cone shaped protrusion had in indeed disappeared and no pain was evident since. That was last August, two months as of the time I visited him at which time I had given him two treatments during my visit. He laughed, "But I still will not give you credit!"

"It's okay!' I said, as I reminded him that the other thing about that it might become cancerous and he was destined to die from it soon. To which he was happy to hear he would not be locked up in his room anymore. What relief. "Well, the good news is that the threat of cancer is no longer there. The bad news is that your no longer going to die this year or anytime soon.!" I laughed. (oh!, you should have heard his-you had to get me!)

Listen to the videoTreats!"

Michael Ramirez 

Listen to the video in the middle of the page. The guy talks about how to get the
most of the Herbalife sales system. He seems to be saying that it can work really 
well over time (several months, maybe a year) but that new people should 
understand that they do have to put in the effort, actively generate leads, follow 
up with customers and clients, and so on.

"New Herbalife Review: Information That The Gurus Are Not Telling You"

I own several webs at this site "like a Mini Mall" Health,

Nutrition, Challenge your self "Weight Control with Great Shakes and Treats."

E-Mail me at:

Success and What It Really Means to You


When people speak of "success", they generally mean a position of importance in the world's eyes, or a job that yields lots of money and all the ‘whatever’ the material pleasures and comforts that it implies.  Success, “in terms of the deeper issue of vocation, is a highly individual thing that means different things to different people.”   Whether you work in one of the “pure arts or in more composer or cook,” you may tend to suffer from a kind of “divine discontent,“ with whatever work you do.  You have a powerful connection with subtler levels of reality that are not usually acknowledged in  ordinary life.  Your sense of being part of a larger unity is very deep and insistent, whether you work in one of the “pure arts as in fields such as sculpture,  drawing and painting, designing.   You are open to many subtle levels of life which others do perceive.  And you long to be able to create things which serve as a bridge between this world and those other levels.  The outer world is not the enemy; it is made up of individual humans like yourself, many of whom are not able to perceive the inner world as you do, but who might be open and receptive to what you have to offer provided they can grasp it. Try to acknowledge the importance. Recognizing your innate limitations can help you to focus your energy in the right direction and get the maximum fulfillment from your work. As an inspired painter or composer, or cook, everything depends on where your loyalty is really given.  Focus on what inspires you from within, and seek to understand its nature as best you and your work need be-firmly rooted in what makes your heart and soul sing, not in how large the salary is.  Art school, music school, or drama school might provide you with suitable training if you are unsure of your skills, even if you do not wish, inevitably, honesty and realistic understanding of your fundamental strengths can help you to orientate yourself in the world and put your energy into areas where you can hope to shine and achieve at least many of your most cherished goals.  “Bring Balance to the Inner Mind, and the Outer Mind with The Spiritual Side of your reality.”–Michael Ramirez 05/20/2012